Winter Conference 2012 in Flims

Home » Winter Conference 2012 in Flims

15th Swiss PLG Conference 29th – 31st January 2012

Celebrating the Swiss PLG 10th Anniversary
Waldhaus Flims, Switzerland

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Living with CHANGE as the only constant –
Life Science BD&L: Then, Now and Tomorrow

Indeed, one thing in our professional life we can take for granted is CHANGE in every respect. Therefore, we are addressing issues related to our business environment evolution and changes that every senior manager and business developer faces on a daily basis. Topics such as Market Access, Strategic Pricing, Emerging Markets, integration of new tools and technologies trends in legal changes are going to be covered. Experts will report experiences in facing such changes in and outside Pharma. Talking Tables on certain topics allow for sharing thoughts in a more detailed manner and to learn from the peers.

The 2012 conference seeks to explore:

  • Where are the future markets and what has to be taken into account when dealing in/with such markets?
  • New cooperation models, what to expect and what not?
  • Where is Pharma heading and what is needed to cope with the foreseen changes?
  • How to optimize value creation for technologies and products besides Pharma?

Programme (updated 25th Jan. 2012)

As every year fireside networking, sports and drinks discussion are traditional hallmarks of the Swiss-PLG Winter event.

During this conference the Swiss Pharma Licensing Group shall celebrate an important milestone:
THE 10TH ANNIVERSARY, so be prepared for great surprise events.

A must-attend meeting for Swiss and European BD&L professionals!
Join and celebrate with us!



“Back in office from the IPLS in Barcelona, I want to follow-up the below event by SWISS PLG in Barcelona.

First of all, my sincere congratulations for the very nice and also informative dinner with the SWISS PLG family. This was another proof that the SWISS PLG is standing out of all other PLGs continuing this well-established tradition to bring together its members for an informal and at the same time productive meeting in a very pleasant atmosphere. I guess this is the foundation for any promising deal.

The dinner was also perceived a full success by other members as I was informed.

I very much look forward to having such future opportunities to meet the SWISS PLG family.

Warm regards,



“Vielen Dank und Gratulation für diese grandiose Veranstaltung. Es hat mit der SWISS-PLG Familie wieder einmal richtig Spaß gemacht.

Danke für Eure Mühen und noch eine gute Zeit.




“Auch ich möchte mich noch einmal herzlich für Eure Hilfe bedanken. Die Koordination und Betreuung fuer den SwissPLG ist und war Spitze. Danke und viele Grüße

Thomas Högn”

2 January 2012
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